The South Carolina Community Foundation

The Estate Design Center

As we have worked with prospective donors/Partners, we realize that without proper estate planning as part of every major gift decision, the Foundation is doing our Partners a dis-service. For without our partners knowing what they can do for their families, charities important to them, and ongoing needs for living expenses, we do them a disservice suggesting they consider anything for the SC Community Foundation.

And so we have created the SC Community Foundation Estate Design Center.

The SC Community Foundation Estate Design Center offers:

1. Free online simple will creation through a partnership with
2. A list of excellent legal and financial professionals with whom we have worked
3. A comprehensive Estate Design service provided by the leading Estate Design Services in the Nation- Lifestyle Giving Inc.

So as you consider your charitable interests, providing for your family, and your own living expenses the Foundation encourages you to learn as much as you can through our Estate Design Center resources.